Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kenn's Favorite Authors: Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Hey and yo and wassup . . .

I am hoping that you know of this gentleman from Providence, Rhode Island -- and, more importantly, that you've read some of his work. If you don't and you haven't, you will and will want to after you're finished reading this. This
Anglo-semi-nerd-reclusive-somewhat-racist-British-wanna-be is my favorite author. Brains at work here. Let's get to it.

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Kenn's Favorite Movies: A Clockwork Orange

Hey and yo and wassup . . .

Here's a movie that I saw when I was 15 years old (I'm 47 now), and, frankly, it changed the way I viewed all other great movies afterward. If you're into movies, then you know Stanley Kubrick (if you think you're into movies and you don't know Stanley Kubrick -- you don't know movies -- back to school). My fave Stan movie is A Clockwork Orange, and many of Stan's movies are my faves, but this is probably my overall FAVORITE movie OF ALL TIME. What a amazing work. Let's get to it.

Kenn's Favorite Authors: Clive Barker

Hey and yo and wassup . . .

Britain gave birth to some of my faves in music, movies, and, of course, the written word. With this fellow from the U.K., I will say that the height of "horror" fiction over the last 25 years was reached -- and that's only part of it -- check out his artwork and his movies, too, if you, like me, like the good stuff. Here we will get into his writing mostly, as he is without doubt one of my favorite authors. Let's get to it.

For me, as with many fans, it all began in the mid-80s with The Books of Blood. Each of the first three volumes were "Oh-My-God" great. I was blown away. To this day some of the best short-story fiction -- horror or otherwise -- can be found in these bloody books. The next three collections, were more Books of Blood, yet released in hardcover here in the U.S. as The Inhuman Condition and In the Flesh. Again, these blew me away, though I guess I started getting used to it. The guy was so good, you expected to be blown away and were not disappointed.

Then we had Clive's first novel, and it was quite worth the wait. The Damnation Game is a worthy read for all of you who'd like to sink your teeth into something longer.